21 attractions of Foros that are worth visiting

Foros is part of the Greater Yalta agglomeration. The village is located 38 km from Yalta and 120 km from the capital of Crimea, Simferopol. Foros is the southernmost point of Crimea. It has gained the reputation of one of the most prestigious resorts of the South Coast. After all, it was here that state dachas and government residences were located. M. Gorbachev, Yuri Gagarin, M. Gorky and many other famous people rested here.

Foros is one of the most environmentally friendly and picturesque places in Crimea. The Crimean mountains, covered with lush southern vegetation, reliably protect the village from strong winds. The air in the village is saturated with oxygen, which has a healing effect on cardiovascular and ENT diseases. The climate here is mild, winters are warm, and summers are not stiflingly hot.

Due to strong currents close to the coast, coastal waters are regularly renewed. The sea in the area of ​​the village is clean. Foros has four beach areas, pebble beaches, equipped. In addition, there are many picturesque wild coves in the surrounding area. For example, one of the bays attracts tourists with its unusual multi-colored pebbles, the other will be of interest to those who prefer a nudist holiday.

It is convenient to combine a beach holiday in the village with exploring interesting places and attractions of Foros and its surroundings. However, a holiday in the village, combined with walks and exploring the surrounding area, will be comfortable not only in the summer, but also in the off-season.

The best attractions in the Foros area:

Baydar Gate

Baydar Gate

The gate is located on the mountain pass - Baydarsky. Construction time: 1848. The architectural monument is a limestone portico, made in the classicism style typical of the 19th century.

In addition to the artistic value of the gate, you should come here for the review. At the top of the gate there is an observation deck - the sea looks amazing from there.

Address: Old Sevastopol Highway, Sevastopol, Crimea

Temple of the Sun

Temple of the Sun

Located in the Laspi tract. It consists of several blocks surrounding a central rock boulder. The place is very reminiscent of Stonehenge.

But it is known about the British curiosity that it is the work of human hands. And the Crimean Temple of the Sun may well turn out to be a natural phenomenon. In any case, more and more people want to see the mysterious place every year.

Address: Yuzhnoberezhnoe Highway, Sevastopol, Crimea

Laspi pass and observation deck

Laspi pass and observation deck

Located in the Crimean mountains. When the road from Yalta to Sevastopol was built in the 19th century (later converted into a highway), part of the route being created passed through the pass. The observation deck is equipped on a rock (located above the pass) named after Garin-Mikhailovsky, writer and engineer. In addition, a small chapel was built there.

On a clear day from the pass you can see the Batiliman and Laspi bays. According to experienced tourists, swimming dolphins are sometimes visible.

Address: highway Yalta - Sevastopol

Bay and tract Batiliman

Bay and tract Batiliman

Located in the Balaklava region. These are natural attractions with untouched nature and a unique microclimate.

There is practically no wind here. The tract is overgrown with relict forests, especially juniper. The area is literally filled with healing and warm air (never below 0 °C). And in the bay the water is never cloudy.

Address: Tylovoe village, Crimea

Uzundzhi Canyon

Uzundzhi Canyon

The valley of the Uzundzhi River with picturesque nature. Part of the river route lies in a rocky crevice.

Crystal clear water and quaint rock folds of the valley delight nature lovers. The canyon looks most spectacular in autumn or spring. When the river bed is full, you can endlessly admire the small waterfalls, lakes and dams.

Address: Rodnikovoe village, Crimea

Devil's staircase

Devil's staircase

Mountain pass (another name is Shaitan-Merdven) in the western part of the Crimean mountains. The pass is of moderate height (up to 600 meters above the sea), but the steepness of the slope is impressive - from 40 degrees. The trail runs from the southern coast of Crimea (the village of Oliva) to the Baydar Valley.

Traveling along the trail attracts not only its complexity, but also its picturesque nature. You can equally enjoy the gloomy mountain landscapes and the expanse of the sea, clearly visible from the pass.

Address: Oliva village, Crimea

Laspi Bay

Laspi Bay

The bay is located between capes Sarych and Aya. This area is famous for its warm climate. The mountains shield it from the cold air from the mountains. The rapids protect from the cold current from Yalta. In general, experts say that this is the warmest place in Crimea.

In addition, Laspi is famous for its clean water, which is why divers love these places. True, in these places it is impossible to rent an apartment or house. The only local residential premises are boarding houses and hotels on the seashore. Therefore, campsites with tents are in demand on the shore of the bay.

Address: Laspi Bay, Crimea

Cape Aya

Cape Aya

The cape is located on the Black Sea coast, not far from Laspi Bay. Since 1982, a landscape reserve has been located here. The nature here is unique, with groves of rare pine trees. Magnificent wild beaches, mountain rivers with clear water.

Tourists traveling to Aya should prepare for long hikes. Motor transport is prohibited in the reserve.

In addition to the usual beach holiday, there are a lot of natural attractions. The greatest interest is the crater on top of Cape Aya, the Ayazma tract and dolphin watching. According to local residents, the most trusting and “sociable” dolphins live in the bay area.

Address: Cape Aya, R-59, Sevastopol, Crimea

Mellas Palace

Mellas Palace

The Mellas Palace in the village of Sanatornoye was built in 1834 by the architect Elson. This elegant two-story structure combines Italian motifs with Moorish style.

The park around the palace is also worth visiting. Exquisite, with many rare bushes, a spring of mineral water, alleys and stairs leading to the sea.

Address: Gagarina street, 17, Sanatornoye village, Crimea

Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 18:00

Baydar Valley

Baydar Valley

Located in the southwestern part of Crimea, surrounded by mountains. One of the largest and most fertile valleys of the peninsula. Until recently, almost no tourists came here, so the local nature was not damaged, and there is no serious production here - there is nothing to poison the air and water.

In addition to natural beauties, in the valley you can go to the Church of the Resurrection of Christ and the Baydar Gate.

Address: Orlinoe village, Crimea

Kuznetsov's House

Alexander Kuznetsov (1856-1895) - tea magnate and an iconic figure for the village. With his money, not only the main temple of Foros and the park were built, on the territory of which, by the way, the house is located. The entrepreneur bought more than 250 hectares of local land and was actively involved in developing the infrastructure of Foros, for example, he installed a telephone, telegraph, electricity here, and built a pier.

The two-story house that Kuznetsov built for himself also became a landmark. From the outside it looks quite modest, but inside it is truly beautiful. Marble staircases, fireplaces, and from the windows and balconies there are magnificent views of the surrounding area. There are a large number of paintings on the walls, but they do not hang in frames, but are glued directly to the plaster. This, at first glance, barbaric treatment of objects of art saved them during the war: the paintings could not be taken out.

Currently, Kuznetsov’s house is located on the territory of the sanatorium, but is open to the public.

What to visit in Foros for free:

Church of the Resurrection

Church of the Resurrection

Located on Red Rock. Built in 1892. The exterior decor of the church is discreet, in the Byzantine style. But the interior is luxurious - mosaic floors, stained glass windows, carved iconostasis, marble columns. It was the same Kuznetsov who ordered the construction of the building.

In addition to the decoration, tourists come to admire the surroundings from the observation deck near the temple. The rock rises almost 400 meters above the sea. The church seems to be flying over the sea and forest.

Address: Terletsky street, 3, Foros village, Crimea

Foros Park

Founded by industrialist Alexander Kuznetsov at the end of the 19th century, it is distinguished by its rich flora: more than two hundred species of trees and shrubs grow here, which were brought here from all over the planet. The park is divided into three parts, which are located at different levels. The uppermost part is practically a wild forest with centuries-old and even older trees. The middle one is called “Paradise” and is distinguished by its amenities: it is cozy, there are many fountains, recreation areas, observation platforms; this part of the park is popular among tourists. The lower tier is access to the seashore.

Unfortunately, in the middle of the 20th century, on the orders of Stalin, the cypress trees were cut down in the park. They say this happened after the visit of American President Roosevelt to Crimea. In America, cypress trees are planted only in cemeteries and coffins are made from them, so Crimea made a depressing impression on Roosevelt, and Joseph Vissarionovich ordered to get rid of the cypress trees.

Where to go in Foros and what else to see:

Waterpark "Blue Bay"

Waterpark "Blue Bay"

It is located 20 km from Foros, in the village of Semeiz. The main advantage of the water park is sea water in the pools and a large selection of slides. There is a separate area for children's entertainment.

“Blue Bay” has good infrastructure - there are bars, cafes, parking and storage lockers. The establishment is open only in the warm season (from May to October), but people rarely relax in the Crimea in winter.

Address: Sovetskaya street, 80, Simeiz village, Crimea, Russia

Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 18:00

Entrance: for adults - 1800 rubles, for children - 1400 rubles.

Official website: https://simeiz-aquapark.ru/

Skelskaya cave

Skelskaya cave

It is located near the village of Skel in the Balaklava region. The natural attraction was discovered at the beginning of the 20th century, then studied in more detail by expeditions in the 60s. At the beginning of 2000, tourists began to be allowed here on excursions.

The cave has 8 underground halls (some of them are flooded), decorated with stone deposits (stalagmites and stalactites). The spectacle is unforgettable, the tourist flow is growing every year.

Address: Rodnikovoe village, Crimea

Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 18:00

Entrance: for adults - 500 rubles, for children - 400 rubles.

Official website: https://speleotur.com/

Cold beach

Cold beach

It is located near the Terletsky sanatorium. The main disadvantage is that the shore is covered with large pebbles. The descent into the water is gentle, but there are sharp pebbles regularly. Sea water is clean and, contrary to its name, not cold at all.

The beach is municipal - access is free, but there are no special amenities. There are toilets and changing rooms, but there is no equipment rental or water activities. Those who love and know how to relax as a “savage” will like it here.

Address: Terletsky street, 15, Foros village, Crimea

Cape Sarych and its lighthouse

Cape Sarych and its lighthouse

The cape is located west of Foros; the lighthouse was installed in 1898. There are still relict forests on the cape, but they are increasingly being replaced by boarding houses, sanatoriums and government dachas.

The white lighthouse building is visible from afar to all guests of Crimea. Surprisingly, the building is still used for its intended purpose. They still send signals to ships from there.

Address: Cape Sarych, Crimea

Gorbachev's dacha

In the early 90s, the name of the village was on everyone’s lips thanks to another architectural landmark of Foros - the dacha of USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev (the Zarya object). Even now it is a very interesting and attractive place for tourists, but it is unlikely that you will be able to drive to it and enter the territory. Now it belongs to the Federal Security Service of the President of Russia.

The dacha was built not far from Foros itself, the place was chosen by Raisa Maksimovna. However, it is not the most successful. Firstly, the house is open on all sides, which makes it very difficult to guard. Secondly, this is a seismically dangerous rocky area, and landslides often occur here. From the point of view of flora, not everything is fine either; we had to bring in different plants here to create a landscape that is pleasing to the eye.

They say the inside is richly decorated and even equipped with a nuclear room. But despite all the efforts of the founders, it was not popular among Gorbachev’s followers. They say this place has bad energy.

The best beaches of Foros

Beach Wood

Beach Wood

Located near Foros Park. A wild beach without infrastructure, secretly inhabited by nudists. It's a quiet, inconspicuous place. The coastal strip is not visible from the road - it is hidden by juniper thickets.

Not only nudists come here, but also lovers of picturesque views and spending the night in tents. Nature is untouched and therefore beautiful. Connoisseurs of relaxation alone with flora and fauna live here for weeks.

Address: Forossky descent, Foros village, Crimea

Quiet Bay Beach

Quiet Bay Beach

Located east of the village of Foros, behind the Terletsky boarding house. The shore is covered with pebbles mixed with sand, the coastal strip is wide. And nature pleases us - mountains and forests, no new urban buildings. You can rent a sun lounger, an umbrella, and there is a cafe nearby.

It’s a long walk from the central areas to the beach, but this is the calmest “solarium” in the city.

Address: Terletsky street, Foros village, Crimea

Green beach of Foros

Green beach of Foros

The beach is located within the city. The place is popular because of its location (close to the Central Market) and good infrastructure. The surface is pebbly, making it uncomfortable to enter the water barefoot.

The shore is equipped with sun loungers, sun loungers, awnings, changing cabins and toilets. Very close by are cafes with open verandas, boat and scooter rental stations. A beach for those who prefer to relax with maximum comfort.

Address: Terletsky street, 38, Foros, Crimea

Basic information about the city

The small resort village of Foros, part of the Yalta urban district, is hidden on the southern coast of Crimea. Its relative height above sea level is 32 m. This is one of the most picturesque, secluded and warmest corners of the peninsula . Thanks to two powerful currents, the coastal waters here are constantly renewed, so the sea in Foros is always clean and transparent.

High mountains protect the resort from cold winds, and the absence of industrial enterprises ensures excellent ecology of the area. The diversity of landscapes and rich flora are the main advantages of the resort .

All Foros beaches are pebbly . There are four urban ones, and several more coastal zones belong to sanatoriums. All of them are equipped with the necessary equipment: changing rooms, umbrellas, rental points for sun loungers, boats and diving equipment.

Foros has a rich history: according to some sources, it was founded by the Greeks in the 5th century BC and survived Hellas, the Roman and Ottoman empires . The development of the city as a resort began in the 19th century, when the merchant and tea magnate A.G. Kuznetsov came here. The entrepreneur liked the climate and nature of Foros so much that he began actively improving the village.

Since then, the southernmost corner of Crimea has been a place of attraction for ordinary tourists, political and cultural figures: on the territory of the city there is the dacha of M. S. Gorbachev, summer houses where Yu. Gagarin, M. Gorky and several government sanatoriums rested .

The climate in Foros is subtropical Mediterranean. Winters here are quite warm, summers are long, humid and not as hot as, for example, in neighboring Yalta . Most residents are employed in the hospitality and tourism industries, as these industries form the backbone of the city's economy.

The population, according to 2016 data, is 1889 people.

Best hotels in Foros

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House-Museum of Yulian Semenov

The house of the author of the legendary novels “17 Moments of Spring”, “TASS is authorized to declare”, “Major Whirlwind” is located very close to Foros, 8 km from it. Yulian Semyonov did not live here for very long, but he lived here constantly, leaving him only in winter. This is a rather modest dwelling, but it reflects the spirit of the Soviet era and the documentary writer himself, who called his house “Villa Stirlitz.” Alla Pugacheva and USSR Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko were here.

The founder of the museum was Olga Semyonova, the daughter of the writer. She tried to preserve as accurately as possible the situation that existed during Yulian Semyonovich’s life. You can visit the house for free. True, only part of the house is open to guests, the second part is residential.

Public transport

Foros has its own bus station, with buses leaving approximately every 45 minutes, starting at 7 a.m. and ending at 7:30 p.m. (departure times and intervals depend on the destination). The routes are not for moving around the village; buses travel long distances to other cities.

DestinationTravel cost (RUB)Cost of baggage transportation (RUB)
AS Bakhchisaray128,0013,00
S. Red Poppy86,009,00
AB Sevastopol130,0013,00
AS-2 Simferopol343,00/368,0034,00/37,00
S. Ternovka62,006,00
Pov. Khmelnitsky 40,004,00

Taxi prices in Foros are 12-15 rubles/km or 200 rubles/hour. Foros is full of attractions, interesting places and beautiful beaches. Prices for housing, transportation and food vary, which will help everyone choose the most affordable and convenient option. A holiday in this place will definitely be remembered with vivid impressions and will fill your albums with magnificent photographs.

Article design: Oleg Lozinsky

Weather. When is the best time to visit

Foros is located in the west of the South Coast. There is very little precipitation here - 300-400 mm per year. Air humidity is low. The air temperature rarely drops below 0 in winter, and does not rise above 30⁰C in summer. The holiday season reaches its climax from mid-July and lasts until the 20th of August. The velvet season begins in September and continues until the end of October.

The best time to relax in Foros is from mid-July to mid-September. At this time it is warm, the water in the sea has already warmed up, local fruits are producing their harvest. True, the largest influx of tourists occurs precisely at this time.

Temple of the Sun

This unique place is located in the Laspinskaya Valley near Foros. It is also called “Crimean Stonehenge”. The miraculous natural structure is a cluster of huge stone boulders, which are located in a special way. From above, the Sun Temple looks like a flower, in the center of which is the largest stone.

At sunrise, the first ray of the Sun falls on it. Apparently, this is why many legends and beliefs are associated with this place. It is popularly considered a place of power that gives energy to everyone who reaches it. And according to legend, only a person with pure thoughts can overcome the path. Finding the Sun Temple is not difficult, which is why more and more tourists come here.

Baydar Valley

In addition to architectural, there are also natural attractions of Foros. The place is still little explored by tourists, but is gaining popularity. An ecologically clean area, a protected nature reserve with a large number of rivers, waterfalls, lakes, rich flora and picturesque landscapes.

The valley is also called “little Switzerland” due to the similarity of the landscapes. Here are the remains of an ancient road from Rome, which was used in winter due to the impossibility of sea crossing.

How to get there

There are several ways to get to Foros. The best option is to drive to the village in your own car, but this is not the only way. You can also get to Yalta by train, and then take a bus and easily get to the village. There is an air route option: by plane to Sevastopol or Simferopol, and from there by bus to Foros.

Buses from the Yalta bus station to Foros depart every 30 minutes. Suburban route No. 128 operates daily from 7.00 to 20.00. The cost of the trip is 60 rubles, the journey takes 50 minutes. There is no need to book bus tickets; they are purchased upon arrival of the transport.

You can get from Sevastopol airport to Foros by direct bus. According to the schedule, it departs twice a day: at 11:30 and 19:25, but the schedule may change, so it is better to get your bearings on the spot. The fare is 370 rubles, travel time is about 3 hours.

There is plenty of transport to Foros Sevastopol. From here you can get to your destination by trolleybuses No. 9, 20, 54, 55 for 12-20 rubles; by bus No. 49 and 98, and by minibus No. 115. Buses run from 6.25 every 50 minutes, it is possible to book tickets.

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