Big and Small Kaverzinsky waterfalls (Goryachiy Klyuch)

What attracts tourists to Kaverzinsky waterfalls (Goryachiy Klyuch)

For tourists who dream of visiting a wild place untouched by civilization, Kaverzinsky waterfalls are just the case. It is easy to get along the M4 federal highway on your own, either by car or by public transport. In one day you can visit all the picturesque places. The route is easily accessible for beginner tourists, schoolchildren and families with small children.

Photos of Kaverzinsky waterfalls:

If you get to the Kaverzinsky waterfalls, in this area you will be able to visit a cave, enjoy a walk, pick mushrooms and berries, slowly plunge into the world of ancient nature, and breathe in the aromas of the forest.

Near a natural attraction, people often stay overnight in a tent or at a recreation center in the summer and warm autumn.

It is especially worth visiting the large Kaverzinsky waterfall in spring. At this time, the cascade of waterfalls is overflowing with water from melting snow, and then you can see what powerful streams are capable of. Huge boulders covered with hundred-year-old moss and relict trees add charm and mystery.

What is interesting about a holiday at Ayuk waterfalls?

As evidenced by the responses of tourists in the city of Goryachy Klyuch, the Ayuk waterfalls are quite easily accessible. You can get to the beginning of the route leading to them either by regular bus or by personal/rented car. At the very beginning of the journey, you need to cross the ford of the Chepsi River, and then walk 6 km along a paved dirt road.

You should be careful in bad weather, especially in early spring and autumn, as the path can be blurred. In this case, not only comfortable sportswear, but also rubber boots will come in handy. In general, the route is suitable for every category of tourists with any level of physical fitness - both for small children and for pensioners. The only condition is shoes suitable for the season.

The final destination of the journey strikes you at first sight. The dazzling white color of the water jets, caused by billions of air bubbles in the flow, is the main distinctive feature of the Ayuk waterfalls cascade. The photos from here turn out spectacular - the boiling, falling giants seem to have stepped out of a painting by a skilled artist.

Ayuk waterfalls cascade down from imposing mossy rocks in thousands of thin streams. It seems that the huge, layered stone blocks were carelessly folded by man, but no, such beauty was created by nature itself. Water falls down several steps into a large natural bowl, where you can take a dip on a hot, sunny day.

The rapids are surrounded by emerald deciduous forest, in the shade of which it is so pleasant to be on a sultry summer day. Time seems to freeze here: the sound of a powerful waterfall captivates you from the first second. In this unusual place you can enjoy solitude with your own thoughts and almighty nature.

In addition to the walk

Many off-road driving enthusiasts choose the Ayuk Falls as their destination: the dirt road is perfect for extreme driving. It’s also easy to get here by bicycle – such a walk will take less time than walking. A little higher there is a convenient clearing for a picnic and a small tourist parking area. Here you can often meet tourist groups with tents.

Travelers who find themselves at the Ayuk waterfalls can visit several more educational sites located nearby:

  • Malaya Phanagoria Cave is a small cave cavity with a narrow and high portal-crack. The place is ideal for the most courageous and fearless tourists;
  • the Podnavisla tract is a small settlement in a picturesque gorge with a rich history, where you can see a memorial complex with chapels and the ruins of an ancient fortress;
  • The Great Fanagoriyskaya Cave is one of the largest karst depressions in the entire Krasnodar region. A very interesting and unusually picturesque excursion site.

Origin, panorama

The waterfalls got their name from the Kaverze River, into which the Tambov Gap stream flows. This flow began with waters that flowed from the slopes of the Caucasus Mountains. Where the stream slows down before joining the river, there are the famous riffles. They are small, the water falls from a meter height. Of the entire group, the Small and Bolshoi Kaverzinsky waterfalls look impressive.

The small one, consisting of two steps, reaches a height of 4 meters. The big one falls from ten meters into a deep bowl filled with clear water. For those who want to admire the cascading stream from above, a staircase has been installed. At the top there is an observation deck where you can sit for a rest. If you go further, you can get to the next small riffle. The Universitetskaya cave will be a pleasant discovery.

This is a small gap in a vertical crack in the rock. It is narrow and difficult to pass. A rapid stream flows along the bottom, which, breaking free, falls down bizarre steps. The University waterfall was named after a group of students who found the cave. The view is stunning: steep white stone cliffs, the unfading greenery of relict fir and pine trees, the enchanting sound of murmuring water.

Geography and legends

Many reviews call the Ayuk waterfalls the most famous treasure of Mother Nature in the Goryacheklyuchevsky region. Representing a cascade system of extraordinary beauty, they are formed by the flow of the Burlachenkov Shchel stream, which acts as a tributary of the Chepsi River. The latter originates from the Ayuk River, after which, in fact, the famous rapids began to be named. They are a complex of two magnificent cascades with a total height of 9 m:

  • top – 4 m;
  • lower – 5 m.

Over the many years of existence, the Ayuk waterfalls have created a vast and deep natural pool with an area of ​​10 square meters at the foot. m. Swift and swift, they carved this bowl into the sandstone rocks, with crystal clear, transparent waters - as reviews say, the temptation to plunge into the reserved reservoir is extremely great.

It’s hard to imagine, but a long time ago the locals apparently didn’t like the area near the waterfalls. The name of the river Ayuk comes from the Adyghe “ayuko” - “bad place”, “bad valley”. What is the reason for such a dissonant name is now quite difficult to find out. Today, the waterfalls, surrounded by dense green forest, cannot be called bad - they delight visitors with fantastic beauty and peaceful tranquility.

Where are they located?

They are located 7 km from the village of Khrebtovoye, which is located 15 km from the Goryachy Klyuch resort in the Krasnodar Territory.

In the surrounding area it is also worth visiting the following places: Kesukhskie and Ayukskie waterfalls, Bolshoi Adegoiskie (near Abinsk), the Devil's Mouth, Dantovo Gorge, Cockerel rock, Bogatyrskie caves.

The area is rich in healing mineral water springs, and all resorts are within walking distance. You can relax not only on weekends, but also spend your entire vacation.

Geographical features, origin, legends

The basin of the Psekups River, which originates in the northeast of Mount Lysaya, includes 50 streams and 15 rivers. Together they form 22 mini-cascades, some of which were discovered not so long ago. The most famous of the two dozen springs is Hell’s Waterfall, which is located on the Hell’s Gap stream, a tributary of the Chepsi. Its height is only 12 m, but thanks to its spectacular appearance it has become famous and visited. Of course, its popularity is also explained by its mysterious and romantic name.

Why the waterfall received such a name is difficult to say. Most likely, because of the sharp rocky mountains, dark forest and powerful energy surrounding the protected area. Taken together, these factors create a frightening impression on individual visitors, although this can be argued. For him, a comparison with a picturesque and mysterious fantasy picture is more suitable than with the terrifying Kingdom of the Dead.

The indigenous peoples of the area usually create legends about such places or sincerely believe in their magical capabilities. Local residents of the area previously believed that the local waters concealed a passage to the afterlife. The Adygs avoided the ominous valley, tried not to set foot on nearby lands, and especially not to collect liquid from here for cooking and drinking.

A distinctive feature of Hell Falls is a deep natural bowl, which was formed by a stormy current. The streams fall from a huge layered sandstone cliff, splitting and coming back together to join in a pool of blue water at the foot. The lower waterfall flows from a block of stone with an angle of incidence of 45 degrees. The second, upper one, has a steepness of 90 degrees, slightly higher than the first.

Reviews from travelers who have already enjoyed the magnificent gorge of the unique site in Goryachiy Klyuch are only positive: the opening panorama of the rocky valley and gloomy thicket amazes and hypnotizes viewers, forcing them to return again and again.

How to get there

To get to the Kaverzinsky waterfalls (Goryachiy Klyuch), there are several routes.

Public and private transport. From Krasnodar to Goryachiy Klyuch 62 km:

  • bus (journey time 1 hour 40 minutes) – 235 rubles;
  • train (2 hours 10 minutes) – 189 rubles;
  • taxi (about an hour) – 1200 rubles.

Kaverzinsky waterfalls on the map:

It is more convenient to get to Kaverzinsky waterfalls by car. From Krasnodar, take the M4 highway to Dzhubga, turn left near the stop in the village of Khrebtovoye. There is no corresponding sign; the landmark on the left is a monument to fallen soldiers and a tall pine tree. Then follow the dirt road to residential estates, where it is convenient to leave your car.

It is convenient to use the services of travel agencies traveling from Krasnodar. Descriptions of excursions are available on the official websites of the companies.

Hiking route to the waterfalls

The trail begins behind a private farm. After walking 5 km along a simple road, you need to turn right. After 2 km the road becomes lost and you have to walk uphill along the stream. There will be traces of landslides around, huge boulders blocking the path. You need to make your way through the rubble, jumping from stone to stone, sometimes walking along the bed of a stream. Movements must be precisely measured to avoid falling. Gradually the valley turns into a narrow gorge.

The first one along the way is the Small Kaverzinsky Waterfall. A wide stream gives birth to a miniature lake flowing over an unhewn boulder.

Upstream there is a series of small riffles following each other. To get to the Big Waterfall there is about a kilometer of difficult path over stones and through a ford. This is the end point of the route. The most breathtaking view opens from the top observation deck.

Scheme of the route to the Devil's Mouth waterfall from Dantovo Gorge

We planned a walking route: Dante's Gorge - Klyuchevaya - Sapun - Mirror Rock - Devil's Mouth Waterfall. The map shows the slopes and peaks of the Goryachiy Klyuch area. Red arrows

both walking routes are shown (from the City Center, from Dante's Gorge), Psechiako Falls is marked with
a green bold dot
, Mirror Rock -
with a blue bold dot

If your route leads from Dante's Gap, then you must follow the blue markers. First, the trail leads to the observation deck of the Kokht ridge, and then the blue markers lead to a steep slope, straight to the foot of the Mirror Rock. Many tourists take a break at the rock, some take sandwiches with them, some take a blanket. The route is not difficult, so we saw many families with children.

The rock itself makes a strong impression; on one side it is large, so if you raise your head up, it seems as if it is falling on you. On the other side is the Mirror rock, very fragile to the touch. If you run your hand, it will crumble all over.

We decided to go upstairs. Hard. We stopped every 10 steps; the ground was not trampled down, it was loose. We have lost the path and it is difficult for a traveler to walk without it. After about 20 minutes we found ourselves at the top and saw that same path, as well as blue marks on the trees. It was decided to follow the markers and climb further along the well-trodden road, along the ridge of Mount Kotkh. It was quite crowded, a couple of times we met vacationing couples basking in the Sun on the way. We overtook three groups of tourists following the same route.

At the very top of the Kotkh ridge, an amazing panorama of the city of Goryachiy Klyuch opens up, as well as the valley on the back side of the ridge. We stopped to admire the view, take a souvenir photo and bask in the first hot rays of the March sun.

I also wanted to say that in the forest, no matter how beautiful it is, traces of human activity are visible everywhere. Packages, bottles, pieces of paper, individually and in whole heaps, are scattered among the bushes and trees. It's a shame, comrades, it's a shame. But the world is not without good people. At the very top of the ridge we met a whole family of Eco-tourists. They had bags in their hands and were collecting garbage scattered throughout the forest along the hiking trail. I was very surprised and happy at the same time. The forest is cleaned up and looked after. At some point, blue marks began to lead us onto a steep slope, and we began to descend. At that moment it seemed that the descent was more difficult than the ascent. We went down to the foot of the Mirror Rock, walked there a little and moved on until we came across the Erik Maltseva stream. Then the path led along the stream, crossing it many times.

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