When planning your route to Lake Baikal, take into account where you are going. Located around Baikal
Map of the city of Kondopoga from satellite, panoramas and photos City of Kondopoga on the online map of the Republic
This text will talk about the city of Orel and its attractions, photos will be presented
A small merchant town on the banks of the Kama is the geographical center of Tatarstan. The first mentions of the village
Rostov-on-Don is a unique ancient but rapidly developing city, 10th in the list of Russian megacities. To his
Sakhalin. Uglegorsk district. Shakhtersk So we arrived in the city of Shakhtersk. 5 hours trip
History and sights of the regional center of Shilovo, Ryazan region One of the large regional centers of the Ryazan region
Birthday is an important day of the year for every person, especially for a teenager. Usually
Together with Irina, a teacher from Balashikha near Moscow, we will visit Grodno, in the very west
Temples of the Golden Ring of Russia (42 photos) The Golden Ring of Russia necessarily includes 10 Moscow churches.