The Vologda region was formed in 1937 and has more than three thousand cultural and architectural monuments
General information about the Republic of Ingushetia Distinctive features. Ingushetia is a small but proud Caucasian republic,
Yakhroma is a town near Moscow, located on the river of the same name and the Moscow canal. City name
Home / Blog / Recreation January 11, 2020 Lermontov is one of seven resort cities
Geographical location But before you start studying the population of Ulan-Ude, you need to figure out where
What holiday is today? January 22, 2022, Saturday Today are holidays, events: Unity Day of Ukraine
City Tommot Tommot Country RussiaRussia Federal Subject YakutiaYakutia Municipal District Aldansky Urban Settlement City
Kinel (Samara region) OKATO code: 36408 Founded: 1837 Urban-type settlement since: 1930 City
Shavlinsky lakes Shavlinsky lakes are one of the most beautiful natural attractions of Altai. a string of several Altai
Population and administrative structure The population of the Tikhvin region is 69.8 thousand people. Natural