20 facts about Norilsk that we didn’t know

The city of Norilsk is considered one of the 5 northernmost cities on the globe with a population of over 100 thousand people. Murmansk is also located beyond the Arctic Circle, but its climate is much milder. The city is very compact - the total area is 4.5 sq. km. The city is located 2400 km from the North Pole and 3000 km from Moscow. The capital of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is 1500 km away. The city was named after the area in which it is located. The reports of travelers that have reached us mention the Norilsk River and the Norilsk Mountains. According to one version, the river got its name from the word “norilo” (a special thin long pole for catching fish under the ice). Another version comes from the words “narus” or “nyoril”, which mean “swamps” from the Evenki and Yukaghir languages.

You can get to the city of Norilsk:

  • by plane to Alykel airport, then about an hour by bus or taxi to the city.
  • by ship to the port of Dudinka (in the summer months), then by bus or taxi.

General information about the weather in Norilsk (climate in Norilsk)

–> Current month
–> The warmest, coldest, sunny and snowy
–> Weather by month (table)
–> Temperature by month (graph)
–> Humidity by month (graph)
–> Wind rose

The site contains information about the weather in Norilsk since 2014. This page talks about the weather in Norilsk

in general, that is, about
the climate in Norilsk
More detailed weather data in Norilsk
can be obtained, for example, from the following links:

  • Weather in Norilsk in January,
  • Weather in Norilsk in January 2022,
  • Weather forecast in Norilsk

Each page contains detailed information about temperature, humidity, wind rose in Norilsk

and other climate parameters in the corresponding month. Another city and another date can be selected in the site menu.

City `s history. Norilsk Nickel

Norilsk is considered one of the most polluted cities in the world due to toxic emissions into the atmosphere from industrial enterprises.

Since 1920, after the first industrial expedition, active exploration of mineral deposits in the northern region began. The land of the Taimyr Peninsula turned out to be rich in coal deposits, gas deposits, non-ferrous and precious metals (cobalt, copper, nickel, platinum, gold, etc.). The discovery of such natural resources determined his fate for many years to come.

During the Soviet camp era from 1935 to 1956, the hard labor of more than 500 thousand prisoners laid the foundation for the mining industry and the city of Norilsk itself. By 1953, all the necessary urban infrastructure facilities (schools, hospitals, clubs, stadium) were built in the city.

After the liquidation of the camp, Norilsk quite quickly turned from a settlement into the main city of the Arctic, where young and talented specialists came from all over the country. Today, the city's main enterprise is the polar branch, which employs more than 60,000 local residents. is the world's largest producer, accounting for a fifth of the world's nickel. The main sport is alpine skiing and snowboarding, the development of which is facilitated by weather and climatic conditions.

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The warmest, coldest, sunny and snowy month in Norilsk

As weather statistics

the warmest month in Norilsk is July
with an average temperature of +14.1°C.
The second place is August (+11.4°С), the third is June (+9.2°С). Accordingly, the coldest month in Norilsk
is January.
The average monthly temperature in January is only −26.3°C. Norilsk has the most sun
in February.
Thus, February is the sunniest month in Norilsk

Let us know if this table is useful to you? Useful table (2406) No (524)

The warmest
The coldest
More sun
February8 days
January7 days
April7 days
More snow
March3 days
October3 days
November3 days

Norilsk weather: run up to 96 degrees

NORILSK. "Taimyr Telegraph" - Norilsk is one of the coldest cities in the world. But northerners know: how harsh the winter can be, the summer can be just as warm. Today, together with specialists from the Taimyr branch of the Krasnoyarsk Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring, we will remember the coldest and warmest years in the history of the city.

The period of stable frosts in Norilsk lasts about 280 days a year. At the same time, there are more than 130 days with blizzards. Our city is one of the five windiest settlements on the planet. The average wind speed here has not changed for decades. For example, in January it is about 23 m/s.

The climatic winter lasts from the beginning of the second ten days of September to the first ten days of May. During the winter, up to two million tons of snow falls on the territory of Greater Norilsk. That is, for each resident of Norilsk there is an average of 11 tons of snow per year.

Summer is also often not very pleasant: short, cool and cloudy. The warmest months are July and August. The average July temperature is plus 13.6 degrees.

To assess the weather in the Far North, not only air temperature, but also wind strength is often used. To do this, they calculate the so-called hardness of the weather - the temperature equivalent of a person’s sensations when simultaneously exposed to frost and wind of a certain strength.

1. Cold Januarys

It was based on the indicator of weather severity that in 2014 Norilsk received its coldest record for all years of observation. On January 30, the temperature of minus 64 degrees was shown by the electronic clock display with a thermometer. In fact, meteorologists recorded a temperature of 55 degrees below zero. The 70s are recognized as the coldest decade.

2. February – already warmer

February 1979, with an average temperature of minus 40.7 degrees, became the coldest in the history of Norilsk. The coldest decade in February was the 2000s: the average temperature reached minus 28.8 degrees. At the same time, February 2007 exceeded the mark of minus 37.2 degrees, and in 2010 – minus 36. True, in the history of the city there were also amazingly warm winter months. For example, February 1943, when the average monthly temperature was only minus 15.9 degrees.

3. Hot July

Record heat occurred in Norilsk in 2013. Many townspeople remember this: according to Taimyrhydromet, in July the maximum temperature was recorded in the history of meteorological observations since 1972. The thermometer rose to plus 32 degrees. This figure exceeded the July 1979 record by 0.1 degrees. However, if we talk about the month as a whole, then July 2013 is only the third warmest summer month in the history of the city. The first place was taken by July 1967 (plus 20.1 degrees, plus 5.5 to the norm), the second place was taken by July 1962 (plus 19.6 degrees, plus 5 to the norm).

4. Warm-warm all year round

The warmest year in the history of Norilsk was 2011. From the point of view of meteorologists, it also became the most unique: July, with an average temperature of plus 12.2 degrees, turned out to be colder than June, which had an average temperature of plus 12.4. And this is the only case in the history of observations.

Maria Sokolova, Nikolai Shchipko

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Weather in Norilsk by months (table)

Below is a table of weather in Norilsk by month. In the table you will find such climate parameters in Norilsk as the average temperature in Norilsk by month

, average humidity in Norilsk by month, average wind speed in Norilsk by month,
number of sunny days in Norilsk
by month,
number of rainy days in Norilsk
by month and other information.

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Monthaverage temperatureAverage humidityWind speedAmount of days
ClearCloudyMainly cloudyRainSnow
January−26.3°С75 %4.4 m/s741702
February−23.5°С76 %4.2 m/s841702
March−17.2°С76 %5.2 m/s651603
April−8.7°С76 %4.7 m/s771302
May−2.5°С70 %4.0 m/s7111101
June+9.2°С67 %4.1 m/s517800
July+14.1°С66 %3.7 m/s618600
August+11.4°С76 %3.7 m/s5151000
September+4.8°С82 %3.9 m/s6111111
October−5.5°С84 %3.8 m/s371703
November−18.9°С83 %3.9 m/s342003
December−21°С78 %4.5 m/s541902


This thermometer will tell you what the weather is like in Norilsk now:

The short and rainy summer turns into a long, cold and snowy winter. Frost is more easily tolerated here than in Moscow, since it is very dry. According to subjective feelings, -37 feels like -20 in Moscow.

From September to June, negative temperatures are established, reaching -56 degrees. The second half of June, July and August are warm.

If we take annual averages, then:

warm weather lasts 63 days a year 170 days of rain 130 - blizzards howl wind speed 6 m/s snow does not melt for seven and a half to nine months batteries do not cool down 302 days

The change of night and day:

  • The polar night begins on November 30 and lasts 45 days until January 13 inclusive
  • Twilight nights for 30 days occur 2 times a year from March 27 to April 26 and from August 15 to September 15
  • White nights for 23 days occur from April 27 to May 19 and from July 25 to August 15
  • The polar day lasts 68 days and lasts from May 19 to July 25

There is an opportunity to deceive yourself and go for a walk, obviously dressed lighter, and halfway realize that you are still a little cold. Especially the legs. Thick soles and down pants are a must! Thermal underwear helps a lot.

Where to warm up and eat:

Prices in Norilsk stores are significantly higher than the Russian average. There are many chain stores such as Sunflower, Firebird, Ocean.

The city has quite a lot of restaurants and cafes, pizzerias and sushi bars for every budget.

It is worth trying the local cuisine: sugudai made from muksun and venison, which is served almost everywhere.

Beer House, Beer Restaurant. st. Begicheva, 3a Vip-hotel, Restaurant. Leninsky Ave., 2 Zharki, Dining room. st. Bogdan Khmelnitsky, 11 Office, Restaurant. Leninsky Ave., 45A Caucasus, Restaurant, LLC. Talnakhskaya st., 71 SOCHI, restaurant. st. Nansen, 67a

Read articles about other cities and regions of Russia. For example, about the Ruskeala marble canyon in Karelia, or about what is interesting about Barnaul, and you can also find out how to get to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra by following the link: https://globusrossii.ru/regionyi/zolotoe-koltso-rossii /sergiev-posad.html.

Temperature in Norilsk by month (graph)

The temperature in Norilsk varies depending on the month in the range from -26.3°C to 14.1°C. At the same time, the minimum temperature in Norilsk is observed in January, the maximum temperature in Norilsk is usually in July.

The average temperature graph in Norilsk by month is presented below:

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Humidity in Norilsk by month (graph)

Humidity in Norilsk varies depending on the month in the range from 66% to 84%. At the same time, the minimum humidity in Norilsk is observed in July, the maximum humidity in Norilsk occurs in October.

The graph of average humidity in Norilsk by month is presented below:

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