TOP-28 - what to see in Shakhty, Rostov region

The Russian city of Shakhty is located in the Rostov region. It is one of the industrial centers of the region and the main city of Eastern Donbass.


Donbass usually means the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine, parts of which formed two independent republics - the DPR and the LPR. At the same time, the eastern part of the Donetsk coal basin belongs to the Rostov region of Russia.

Shakhty City: TOP 5 things to see in 1 day

The symbols of the Mines are landmarks that fully reflect the culture and history of the city. To visit them means to become intimately acquainted with the Shakhty.

Museum of Local Lore

  • Address: st. Shevchenko, 149.

The museum occupies a former merchant mansion built in 1896. The distinctive features of the building are the attics decorating the risalit and the front porch. After the revolution, the mansion served for the benefit of children. It housed a kindergarten, a school, a library, and, since 1983, a Museum of Local Lore.

The museum has five permanent exhibitions:

  1. “Art Gallery” containing more than 200 works by Russian and Soviet artists. The unique collection was donated to the museum by the USSR Academy of Arts.
  2. "Old city". The exhibition is dedicated to Aleksandrovsk-Grushevsk (the former name of the city). Here you can see documentary photographs, antiques and archaeological artifacts.
  3. “Bourgeois Life” is a room in which the atmosphere of the home of a typical tradesman of the late 19th - early 20th centuries is recreated. Tourists are presented with pieces of furniture and textiles, as well as samovars, spindles, wicker baskets and dishes.
  4. "Battle Glory of the City." An extensive exhibition tells about the life of the city during the First World War, the October Revolution and the Great Patriotic War.
  5. “Nature of the Don Region” includes a collection of landscapes, plants and stuffed animals.

In addition to excursion activities, the museum is actively involved in working with young people and popularizing culture. Lectures, chamber concerts, poetry evenings and meetings with representatives of the city intelligentsia are often held within its walls.

Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • Address: Cathedral Square, 1.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Aleksandrovsk-Grushevsk began to rapidly develop and increase in population. A couple of wooden churches (Petropavlovskaya and Alexander Nevskaya) could no longer accommodate all the parishioners. Then the construction of a new brick cathedral began. The work was completed in 1902.

The city was decorated with a cross-domed church in the eclectic style. The main building was crowned with a golden five-domed structure on light drums. The cubic array was decorated with spinning wheels, blades and original friezes. The refectory connected the temple with a three-tiered bell tower under a tent.

Divine services in the cathedral continued exactly until the moment when Aleksandrovsk-Grushevsk was renamed Shakhty. In 1920, the church building was nationalized and given over to a tram workshop.

At the end of the 1990s, the last tram was assembled within the walls of the cathedral, and the building again came into the possession of the Russian Orthodox Church. The ancient drawings according to which the temple was built have not been preserved, so it had to be restored using photographs and technical measurements of the temple from 1929.

Today the Intercession Cathedral is the pearl of Shakhty. He receives parishioners and participates in social activities.

Monument to the Soldier-Liberator

  • Address: Shevchenko street.

The monument was opened in 1985 in honor of the 40th anniversary of the Victory. It amazes not only with its dimensions (the height is 15 m), but also with the grandeur that the sculpture put into the figure of the young Soviet soldier. The fighter rushes forward, raising his rifle, and seems to be calling on his comrades not to give up, to go to Victory.

The monument is located on the central square, and is one of the symbols of the Mines. Tourists love to take pictures against its background. Those who visit Shakhty during the Victory Day celebrations will be able to attend a solemn rally, which is organized every year on the square in front of the “Soldier-Liberator”.

Monument "Glory to Miner's Valor"

  • Address: Dachnaya street.

The sculptural composition greets tourists at the entrance to Shakhty, reminding them that this is a city of miners. The monument consists of three bronze figures: miners-fixers working in a quarry. The monument was opened in 1967, when the Mines celebrated its centenary.

Malinki Bird Park

  • Address: Krasny Sulin village.

Malinki is a zoo whose inhabitants are birds from all over the world. The number of birds in the park exceeds 2,500. About a thousand chicks hatch every year; if you’re lucky, you’ll be able to watch their birth. The park also has a nursery where birds recover from injuries and illnesses.

Zoo visitors will see the most exotic and rare birds: toucans, flamingos, large parrots, peacocks, polar owls. In addition to birds, the park is home to raccoons, alpacas and capybaras. Demonstration programs are organized with the animals: feeding and visiting contact enclosures without nets.

Malinki maintains interest with regular themed shows, animation programs, children's parties and original locations for photo sessions. There are also guest gazebos for relaxation on the territory.

The park is located on the shore of an artificial reservoir with its own beach. Another interesting feature is the restaurant, which serves the most delicious pilaf in the city. Malinki Park is a place where children don’t want to leave, and adults dream of returning.

Religious institutions

With the formation of the Shakhty diocese in 2011, the city became the cultural and Orthodox center of the East Donbass agglomeration. Temples of the Shakhty diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church:

  • Church of St. Nicholas (Shakhty),
  • Church of St. Nicholas (Shakhty) (Ayutinsky village),
  • Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Shakhty),
  • Temple of Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir (Shakhty) (Nezhdannaya village),
  • Temple of the Ascension of the Lord (Shakhty),
  • Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God “Hodegetria” (Shakhty) (Talovy village),
  • Church of the Great Martyr Panteleimon (Shakhty) (Maisky village),
  • Church of the Holy Trinity (Shakhty) (Naklonnaya highway).

The Shakhty Jewish community also operates in the city.

Christian churches in Shakhty:

  • Exodus, Church of Christians of the Evangelical Faith,
  • Evangelical Church “Revival” (Sadovaya St., 10a),
  • Church “Word of Life” (85 Kalinina St.),
  • Church of Evangelical Christian Baptists (Garazhny Lane, 38),
  • Church of Evangelical Christian Baptists (MSC) (Puteprovodny Lane, 26),
  • Church of Evangelical Christian Baptists (MSC) (Artyom village, Pobedy St., 5),
  • Church of Seventh-day Adventist Christians (Myasokombinatovsky Lane, 31),
  • Seventh-day Adventist Christian Church (Promyshlennaya St., 39a),
  • Church of Christians of the Evangelical Faith (Sverdlova St., 36),
  • Church “Shield of Faith” (Belinskogo St., 83).

Cultural institutions and attractions

Tourists will not be able to pass by the catchy posters of theaters and other cultural centers of which the city abounds and is proud.

Drama Theater

  • Address: st. Shevchenko, 143.

The theater occupies a magnificent building in the classicist style. Massive columns, graceful balustrades, an elegant pediment, stucco in the interiors - all this contributes to the solemn atmosphere.

The theater first opened its doors in October 1929. Since then, he has trained more than one generation of talented artists and given a lot of colorful impressions to the audience. The establishment's repertoire allows you to choose a performance in accordance with the taste and age of the visitor. It hosts horror performances, classical productions, children's plays and spectacular shows.

In addition to cultural programs, the theater organizes socially useful works: clean-up days, sporting events and social projects.

Palace of Culture

  • Address: Alleyny Boulevard, 6.

The Palace of Culture has been open since 1975. Its activities are aimed at preserving and reviving the cultural heritage of Russia. The Palace's meringue hosts creative groups for children and adults: choral singing, folk dancing, arts and crafts, and playing traditional instruments. In addition to the auditorium, the complex includes a sports court, a ballroom and a dance floor.


  • Address: Sadovaya st., 10.

You can marvel at the wonders of the Universe at the Shakhty Planetarium. In a small spherical tent, tourists will travel among silent stars and giant planets. The planetarium program also includes viewing images from the surface of Mars and “looking through the eyes of a satellite.” The guide's fascinating story will complement the excursion and satisfy the curiosity of space lovers.

Pearls of architecture in Shakhty

The unique appearance of the Mines is created by buildings from different eras. Some of them belonged to merchants and artisans, others served for the benefit of the townspeople.

Merchant mansion

  • Address: Klimenko, 14.

An amazingly beautiful house can be found on Klimenko Street, 14. The two-story mansion is made of baked brick and decorated with snow-white pilasters, jagged cornices and an interfloor belt. In the past, a merchant family lived here; today the house is occupied by an Italian clothing store “Pret-a-porter”.

The building of the first library-reading room

  • Address: Shevchenko street, 139.

At the end of the 19th century, the first library opened in Aleksandrovsk-Grushevsk, where city residents could not only borrow a book, but also spend time in a cozy reading room. The library was in great demand among students, scientists and second-hand book lovers.

It occupied a three-story building made of stone blocks. On the facades of a pleasant mint shade, whitewashed sandstones, interfloor belts and elegant framing of window niches stood out. Currently, this building houses a shopping center.

House of artisan Radko V.I.

  • Address: Sovetskaya street, 113A.

Craftsman Radko V.I. lived in a small but remarkable house. The one-story building was crowned with an unusual attic, smoothly connected to pilasters. Narrow doors, large windows with platbands, turrets on the roof - all this attracted attention both a hundred years ago and now. Today, the Rachkovsky Pub is open in the craftsman’s house.

Chapels and temples of Shakhty

Chapels and other churches are in the shadow of the Intercession Cathedral. Nevertheless, they contribute to the spiritual life of the city.

Chapel of the Resurrection of the Lord

  • Address: Central Alley.

The Resurrection Chapel was built from stone blocks in 2014. It is located on the site where in ancient times there was a crypt of the ancient merchant family of the Baranovs. The structure has an irregular shape due to projections and projections. The silhouette of the building narrows towards the top, where a drum with a golden head is installed. The chapel is often visited during sightseeing tours.

Chapel of John the Baptist

  • Address: st. Doronina, 2b.

The chapel is made in the Russian-Byzantine style. The small three-apse temple is decorated with semi-columns with capitals, a crenellated frieze and an archivolt above the main entrance. The composition is completed by a light drum with a massive golden head. Services are held in the chapel on Sundays.

Temple-chapel of St. Sergius of Radonezh

  • Address: City Cemetery.

The chapel was made of timber in 2012 and placed on the edge of the city cemetery. The golden domes on the low tents add a special touch to the seemingly ordinary building. One of them crowns the temple, the other a belfry built over the porch.

Shakhty monuments and sculptures

The monuments and sculptures of Shakhty are dedicated to heroic deeds, sorrowful events, rulers of the past and ordinary people, in whom the life of the city lies.

Memorial complex "Unreturned 1941-1945"

  • Coordinates on the map: 47.646960, 40.018644.

The memorial complex is located on a deserted field not far from the M-4 Don highway. It includes two objects: a stele in the form of a rifle with a bayonet, with storks circling around it, and a sculpture of a mother standing alone in a field. She is waiting for her sons to go to the front. And it won't wait.

The complex opened in 1975 as part of the celebrations of the 30th anniversary of Victory Day. The author of the project was the artist A. Kharkov. Today the complex is visited by concerned city residents and tourists. It is clearly visible from the highway.

Memorial complex to the victims of fascism

  • GPS coordinates: 47.685390, 40.227809.

The Krasin mine became a mass grave for civilians when the Nazis threw more than 3,500 people into its shaft: shot or still alive. Today, on the site of the mine, there are two inclined obelisks, between which stands a sculpture of a miner. He holds in his hands a bowl with the Eternal Flame.

A little further away is the Burial Wall. The names of those executed in the mine are engraved on it. The wall is decorated with niches with miners' helmets. The complex “Victims of Fascism” is known as the largest mass grave in Eastern Donbass and a symbol of fascist inhumanity.

Monument to M.P. Sneeze

  • Address: Sovetskaya st., 170.

Mikhail Pavlovich Chikh was the foreman of the miners at the production face of the Mayskaya mine, which was located in the city of Shakhty. In 1957, his team set a record - 25 thousand tons of coal per month. In those days it was an unheard of success.

In addition to his mining activities, Mikhail Pavlovich participated in public projects: he headed the All-Union School of Excellence, and was repeatedly elected to deputies. For his services, Mikhail Chikh was twice awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

In 1984, a bust was erected in Shakhty in his honor. Sneeze is depicted wearing a miner's helmet. Under the bust there is a granite slab with a brief biography of the hero. The pedestal is made in the form of split rock, which symbolizes the work of a miner.

Monument to Emperor Alexander II

  • Address: Shevchenko street.

Alexander II went down in history as the Emperor-Liberator, because it was during his reign that serfdom was to be abolished. In 1881, the village of Gornoye Grushevskoye was renamed in his honor, receiving the name Aleksandrovsk-Grushevsk. In 2015, a majestic monument was erected in memory of the ruler.

A bronze sculpture of the emperor stands on a granite pedestal. Alexander is depicted in a ceremonial uniform, with an unrolled scroll in his hand. The grandson of Alexander II attended the grand opening of the memorial.

Monument to Tsarevich Alexei

  • Address: Krasinskaya street.

In 1827, Emperor Nicholas I established the position of Supreme Ataman of all Cossack troops. The last to hold this position was Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich. In 1918, at the age of 14, he was shot along with his family.

In Shakhty, a monument to the Supreme Ataman was erected on the territory of the cadet school. Young Alexei is depicted in uniform, receiving a parade of troops. The bronze sculpture was made by artist Yuri Lavochkin.

During patriotic celebrations, as well as on the day of the death of the Romanov family, flowers are laid at the foot of the monument.

Monument to the Blind

  • Address: Proletarskaya st., 103.

On a podium decorated with mosaics, there are round dark glasses and a cane. This monument is dedicated to the blind residents of the Mines and was created solely for their benefit. It is installed opposite the building of the Society of the Blind as a sign. The building is located in a hard-to-reach place, and not all taxi drivers find it.

Thanks to the monument, it is easier to explain to a blind person where to stay. The composition was developed by students of Lyceum No. 37, and Shakhty entrepreneurs helped with the purchase of materials. In this way, townspeople and children helped their blind fellow countrymen.

Monument to the Weaver

  • Address: Tekstilnaya street.

In the 1980s, artist Zurab Tsereteli presented Shakhty with a sculpture of a woman whose hands are entwined with silk fabrics. The sculpture was installed in one of the residential areas.

In the future, it was planned to create an entire ensemble of figures of workers of the Shakhtinsky cotton mill, but the idea was never brought to life. Nevertheless, the sculpture of the Weaver still adorns the city and serves as a tribute to the workers of the plant.

Topic: Sights of the Rostov region and What to see in Rostov-on-Don


The city is located in the southwestern part of the region, on the southeastern slopes of the Donetsk Ridge. A slightly hilly plain with artificial forest plantations is slightly inclined from north (175 m) to south (110 m), cut through by gullies and valleys of the Grushevka rivers - a left-bank tributary of the Tuzlov River, which flows into the Don, Ayuta and Kadamovka. There are more than twenty different bodies of water in the city. The largest of them is the Artyomovskoye reservoir, more than 2 km long, created in the late 20s of the last century to cool the turbines of the Shakhtinskaya State District Power Plant named after. Artyom. One of the natural monuments is Lisichkino Lake, located near the village of Popovka. Technogenic landforms are represented by mine waste heaps (rock dumps), a characteristic detail of the urban landscape. The outskirts of the city are surrounded by large green areas where acacia, poplar, pine and other tree species grow. In general, the green zone of the city covers an area of ​​831 hectares.

The urban area covers a total of 16,065.3 hectares. Population density is 1574 people/km². The city includes 4 villages: Ayutinsky, Maysky, Talovy, Sidorov-Kadamovsky. Officially, the city does not have an administrative-territorial division and is conditionally divided into six territorial departments of the city administration, which are responsible for microdistricts that were previously settlements at industrial enterprises. The jurisdiction of the Western territorial department of the Administration of the city of Shakhty includes the villages: Ayutinsky and Talovy, the jurisdiction of the Nezhdanovsky territorial department of the Administration of the city of Shakhty includes the villages: Maisky, Nezhdnaya, Yuzhnaya, Mirny and Pervomaika mines, and it is also planned to create a new microdistrict New Yuzhny, to The Oktyabrskaya territorial department of the Shakhty City Administration includes the following villages: Oktyabrskaya mines, Krasin, Vorovsky mines, 20 let RKKA, Novostroika microdistrict; the 1st territorial department of the Shakhty City Administration includes the following villages: Frunze, Starokirpichny, Popovka (former Cossack village) and part of the City Center, the jurisdiction of the 2nd territorial department of the Administration of the city of Shakhty includes the villages: Petrovka, Gavrilovka, the mines of the Proletarian Dictatorship, the cotton mill (KhBK microdistrict), the Krasny microdistrict, Novoazovka, Smagin and part of the City Center, the jurisdiction of Artyomovsky The territorial department of the Administration of the city of Shakhty includes the villages: Staroazovka, mines of Komsomolskaya Pravda, Vlasovka (former Cossack village), Artyom mines, State District Power Plant, Novy, Naklonnaya mines, as well as the new Olimpiysky microdistrict, the jurisdiction of the Eastern territorial department of the Administration of the city of Shakhty includes the villages : Worker, Glubokaya mine, Shakhtinsky Machine-Building Plant, Pervomaisky, Danilovka, Duvanovo, as well as the village of Sidorov-Kadamovsky.

Picturesque parks and squares of the city

Parks are one of the main assets of the Mines. Each of them is endowed with special features and is loved by citizens and tourists as a place of recreation and entertainment.

Alexandrovsky Park

  • Address: Sadovaya Street/Vasily Alekseev Avenue.

Alexander Park is, without a doubt, the most beautiful place in the city. It is crossed by brick-lined paths that stretch along birch alleys. Each corner is unique: one of the alleys is decorated with colorful umbrellas, another has cozy cafes, and the third attracts attention with a zorbing pool.

The park's attractions also include the Resurrection Chapel, a fountain, a monument to Alexander II, which is located at the entrance to the park, and a glass greenhouse. Guests of the Shakhty should definitely visit this wonderful corner.

White slide

  • Address: per. Cultural Corner.

If a tourist wants to spend time alone with nature, then he should go to White Hill. This is a small hill on the outskirts of the Shakhty, from which a wonderful view of the city and surrounding area opens.

In summer, fragrant herbs and shrubs bloom here; in winter, trails and ski tracks are laid through the snow-covered forest. Tourists who have visited White Hill note the beautiful views, fresh air and peace. For the convenience of vacationers, there are picnic areas.

Memorial Park

  • Address: Alley of Heroes.

The memorial park is located in the middle of a mixed forest. Aspen and spruce trees grow side by side here. The park is dedicated to the heroes of the First and Second World Wars. Main attractions:

  1. Obelisk in honor of the heroes of the war of 1914-1918. It is made of blocks, each of which is engraved in gold with the name of a soldier who distinguished himself in battle. On top of the obelisk sits a double-headed eagle with a banner in its talons;
  2. “Alley of Heroes” - rows of bronze busts of Shakhty residents who showed special courage on the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War.

Military-patriotic events are held in the memorial park. The territory is maintained in perfect order, as are the monuments.

Dallari Park

  • Address: 3rd Microdistrict Avenue.

The well-groomed square is divided into three sections:

  1. Relaxation area with cozy benches, tables and sculptural lanterns;
  2. Children's playground with slides and swings;
  3. Skatepark with jumps.

This is a quiet, secluded place for outdoor recreation with children and teenagers.

"Waiting for death is worse than death itself"

In the case of "Ukraine", in addition to wage debts, there is a threat of closure of the mine. Which is tantamount to the disappearance of the city. It is difficult to find a person in Ukrainsk who is not concerned about the situation at the mine, where more than 1,000 people work. In fact, every family has a miner. Considering that there is very little work for women, then for most families this is the only possibility of existence in Ukrainian, frozen in time.

Local activist Svetlana Mirgorodskaya worries about her hometown and impulsively talks about all the “skeletons in the closet” of Ukrainsk. She explains that Ukrainsk is considered a city of regional significance and is subordinate to the Selidovsky City Council.

Part of the problem lies in this administrative decision. The mine, processing plant and other enterprises transfer tax deductions to the Selidovo budget. In 2022, the revenues of the local budget of Ukrainsk amounted to 3 million 690 thousand hryvnia. And almost all of this amount goes to paying salaries to employees of the Ukrainian District Council - there is no money for road repairs, housing restoration, or other needs.

Support from Selidovo consists of financing social facilities: schools, kindergartens, cultural centers and hospitals. There is no housing office here either. Each house is private property, all problems are solved independently.

– We created a commission, they tried to take away the powers from Selidovo. They didn’t give it away,” Svetlana sighs.

Now the city is fighting for survival. As they say, waiting for death is worse than death itself. If the state decides that our mine is unprofitable, then give us an alternative. Build factories

– But who will build a plant on the territory where there is a war? - interrupts her Sergei Mogilevich , whom Svetlana invited to join the conversation with journalists.

– Website Svoi.City, whose interests are represented? – Sergey meets with disbelief. He opened an online club in the city (where you can order coffee and print train tickets) and on his YouTube channel talks about the situation at the mine. – I’m just wondering who I’m communicating with, what your goals are, what ours are.

Active recreation in Shakhty

Just like culture and history, sports are valued in Shakhty. The variety of complexes helps to popularize a healthy lifestyle among Shakhty residents.

Ice Palace "Shakhtynets"

  • Address: Sadovaya st., 10K.

The complex occupies a modern high-tech building. Its main asset is a huge ice arena, which hosts hockey competitions, figure skating performances, and training sessions for local sections.

During free time, public skating starts at the skating rink. Residents of the city rent skates and have a great time cutting across the perfect ice to pleasant music. The infrastructure of the complex also includes changing rooms, showers and a small buffet.

Palace of Sports

  • Address: ave. Karl Marx, 112.

The Sports Palace hosts classes for students of sports school No. 5. The following services are available to tourists:

  1. Swimming pool with six lanes;
  2. Water aerobics classes;
  3. Gym with modern equipment.

The Sports Palace occupies an impressive building in the classicist style. Against the backdrop of its façade with an antique colonnade, there is a monument to Vasily Ivanovich Alekseev, the famous weightlifter who set several world records and was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

The champion stands with his arms raised in victory, and a barbell lies at his feet. The monument was erected not only to honor the memory of the weightlifter, but also to inspire young athletes to conquer peaks.


  • Address: ave. Victory of the Revolution, 117D.

This is an ideal place for children's sports. In addition to all kinds of slides and labyrinths, the games room has a trampoline area for jumping of varying difficulty. In the center of the room there is a volcano, which you can climb using a rope ladder or rope - an original solution for popular rock climbing.

The entertainment center also has a café where children can recuperate after a hectic holiday. The cafe offers a service for organizing children's parties. In addition to jumping trainers, the staff includes animators.

Don't miss the sights of other cities of the Rostov region - Volgodonsk, Azov, Taganrog, Salsk, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Bataysk, Novocherkassk

Tourists adore Shakhty for its wonderful climate and huge selection of entertainment. The attractions of this city are multifaceted, and based on them it is easy to create a rich and varied vacation program.

“I bought my apartment for 500 hryvnia”

Changing the topic, I ask Sergei to remember how the city developed during the “Great Migration.”

“I bought my apartment for 500 hryvnia,” he grins and points to a residential building in the center of Ukrainsk. – Yes, I bought it two years before the former mayor of Ukrainsk Vitaly Neshin decided to distribute them to visitors from other regions. I have an official agreement in which this amount is fixed. Only then did the apartments become more expensive - prices ranged from a thousand dollars to ten thousand. In new houses they reached up to 20 thousand.

Svetlana joins the conversation and adds that she is a co-author of the idea of ​​​​populating people from other cities. It turns out that she stood as a candidate for the post of mayor of Ukrainsk - and lost to the same Vitaly Neshin, who subsequently began to give away empty housing.

– I developed a program for a candidate for mayor of the city. My husband told me that it’s 40 kilometers from Donetsk to us. There are many women in the city who are unemployed. I suggested reaching out to large enterprises and offering them our city as a platform for development. You work for us, and we provide your employees with free apartments,” recalls Svetlana.

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