Government of Bryansk region. Official site

The Bryansk region was formed by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on July 5, 1944. It included 26 western districts of the Oryol region. The territory of the region extends from west to east for 270 kilometers, and from north to south for 190 kilometers. The coordinates of its extreme northern and southern points are 54° 05′ and 52° 10′ north latitude, the extreme western and eastern points are 31° 10′ - 35° 20′ east longitude.

Of all the central regions of the Russian Federation, the Bryansk region extends most deeply to the west into the borders of two neighboring fraternal republics: Ukraine and Belarus.

Historical heritage of the Bryansk region

The war that raged throughout the world left orphans and inconsolable mothers and wives in every home here, who never received their sons and husbands. It wiped out many populated areas from the face of the earth and took the lives of many worthy people. Residents of the Bryansk region will remember it forever, because it was because of this war that the entire region turned into one big mass grave. Monuments and memorials that are installed not only in cities, but also in forests and highways remind us of this.

Memorial complex Hatsun

  • Address: Karachevsky district, Khatsun village.

On October 25, 1941, in a small village called Khatsun, the Nazis shot 318 people, among whom were not only local residents, but also refugees from Bryansk, as well as nearby settlements. Today, on the site of the mass grave there is a museum and memorial complex. Here you can learn about the fate of the occupied territories, the difficult fate of the civilian population in wartime, and other settlements that, like Hatsun, became the grave for their inhabitants.

Memorial complex Partizanskaya Polyana

  • Address: Lesnaya st., 16, village of Belo-Berezhsky Sanatorium Turbaza.

The place where in 1941 a partisan detachment led by D. E. Kravtsov defeated the Nazis in an unequal battle is today a museum and memorial complex. It was opened on September 17, 1969, and 8 years later it included the Museum of Partisan Glory, which is now considered the largest in Russia.

In the center of the memorial is the Memory Wall, warmed by a hot partisan fire. The names of 8,000 defenders of the Motherland are immortalized on it. Banners made of bronze bowed in their honor. The complex is complemented by partisan dugouts hidden in the canopy of oak trees, an exhibition of military equipment and an eternal flame burning in memory of the fallen national avengers.

Monument to Warrior Drivers

  • Coordinates: 53.198428, 34.529119.

At 112 km of the Oryol-Bryansk highway, a little before reaching Bryansk, in a place called Osinovaya Gorka, you can see an unusual monument. This is a stele with a rearing car and a soldier standing on its running board.

His eyes peer into the distance, and his hands tightly grip the steering wheel. The monument was opened in 1968. It is considered the first in the Soviet Union, dedicated to the millions of military drivers who, in any weather, fulfilled their duty to their Motherland on thousands of roads.

How old is Bryansk in 2022?

For Bryansk, this is 1146 - a whole year older than the capital of our Motherland, Moscow.

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Interesting mountains and hills of the Bryansk region

There are no mountains here in the traditional sense. In the Bryansk region, any hill, any hill, even just a few meters, is considered a mountain.

Bokhonova Mountain

  • Coordinates: 53.631625, 33.419078.

The highest point of the Bryansk region, which can hardly be called a mountain, has a height of only 288 m. It has always attracted travelers. One of the legends tells about a tree that grew at the foot of the mountain. It was so powerful and spreading that it could cover all travelers under its branches.

But one day a thunderstorm broke out and lightning struck the tree, and right from that place a spring began to flow, which would later be called Thunder. After some time, people noticed that the water in it was healing and pilgrims flocked to the source. Every year, the ceremony of consecrating water on the Ascension Day is held at this place.

Desnyanskie Zhiguli

  • Coordinates: 52.405000, 34.047000.

Flowering chalk slopes, about 30 m high, on the banks of the Desna River are considered a natural monument. They are of great importance for the region. Here is the habitat of animals listed in the Red Book, and a wonderful vacation spot, and sites of ancient man, and wild rare species of vegetation, not counting the Desna floodplain itself. Any type of human economic activity is prohibited in this area, but you can relax, pick mushrooms and berries, and fish.

Reserves and natural parks

Nature is a national treasure of the Bryansk region. Today, the authorities, led by World Organizations, are making every effort to ensure that the descendants of our descendants see these forests.

Bryansk Forest Nature Reserve

  • Coordinates: 52.500000, 34.000000.

The reserve is located on the territory of two districts of the Bryansk region - Suzemsky and Trubchevsky, and covers an area of ​​9654 hectares. Since 2001, UNESCO has included it in the list of biosphere reserves.

The area between the Desna and Nerussa rivers, where the reserve is located, is a forest untouched by man, the main asset of the Bryansk region. By preserving it, people save the lives of its inhabitants, many of which are especially valuable, endangered species. Only here all 10 species of European woodpeckers live.

The most common animals are white hares, lynxes, bears, and wild boars. There are a lot of wood grouse. And in 2011, bison were brought into the reserve. At first there were only 7 heads, but by now their number is approaching 80.

Kletnyansky Nature Reserve

  • Address: Suzemsky district, Nerussa station, Zapovednaya street, 2.

It neighbors the Bryansk Forest Nature Reserve, but was created much earlier, in 1946. Its main goal was to preserve the population of black grouse and brown bear, as well as other animals. The position of the reserve was slightly shaken during the period of perestroika and after it. They began to cut down the forest here, and hunting was allowed.

But after 2009, the situation changed for the better, when the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment took over the issue. The reserve received the federal status of a specially protected area and today about 20 species of rare animals live here, such as hazel dormouse, gray crane, lynx, chipmunk and others.

Trubchevsky partisan forest

  • Coordinates: 52.549121, 33.883334.

Here during the Second World War there were fierce battles between partisans and fascist invaders. But in addition to historical, the forest also has another, environmental value. This is not only a place of military glory, but also a habitat for animals and birds.

Rare even for Russia, the black stork and capercaillie, the common chipmunk and the short-eared snake eagle found shelter under the branches of over-aged pines, which are still found here in large numbers.

And how many important and rare plants that people simply must preserve grow here. The reserve belongs to specially protected areas of regional significance, and in addition, is part of the Biosphere Reserve Nerusso-Desnyanskoye Polesie.

Lokot stud farm

  • Coordinates: Lipovaya Alley street, village. Elbow.

The stud farm in Lokta, a village in the south of the Bryansk region, begins its history in 1842, when the estate was founded here. Its owner was Count Apraksin. He also founded the first stables, which have survived to this day.

Some time later, the estate with stables was bought by the royal family. In 1895 they were given the official title of Factory. From the very beginning to the present, some of the best horses in the country have been bred here. Under the Soviets, the Russian Trotter became the main breed, and today it is the largest center for its cultivation and breeding.

Every year in September, the Lokot Stud Farm holds a large-scale event that attracts horse breeders from all over the country. This is not only a wonderful holiday, but also an exhibition of the best representatives of the breed, and horse races with their participation.

Guerrilla Oak

  • Coordinates: 52.691649, 34.198322.

All the years of the war, this spreading tree on the banks of the Navlya River served as an observation post for the partisans. The tree has already crossed its 250-year mark, and not so long ago received the status of a Natural Monument of regional significance. Today it, along with the Museum of Partisan Glory, monuments to soldiers and partisans, as well as holy springs, is part of the tourist center, which is called “Around the Partisan Oak”.


  • Address: Dobrun village.

The village of Dobrun, very close to Bryansk, is a real exotic paradise. Where else, in these latitudes, can you see so many tropical plants collected in one place? Mangoes and passion fruits, coffee and date palms, and lemons with fruits weighing more than 1 kg grow successfully here. There are about 20 plant species in total.

But the miracles don't end there. Throughout the lemonarium there are aviaries in which birds live. There are decorative chickens, pheasants, and peacocks here. There are also a lot of waterfowl: mandarin ducks and mute swans, common geese and ducks. You can use the services of a guide and learn more about each plant, but the excursion must be arranged in advance.

See also reviews of the most interesting places neighboring the Bryansk regions - Smolensk, Kaluga, Oryol and Kursk

The Bryansk region is an interesting region from all sides, which you won’t recognize even in your entire life. Every time you come here, you can only slightly lift the veil of mystery with which it is covered. And every time, this mystery will attract again and again, providing a reason to return to this ancient protected land.

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